Poll of the Week Result…

[Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera]

Today’s, I wanna share the result of the second Poll of the Week.


Out 13 people vote to the aspect in which government need to improve, most are vote for healthcare management. Healthcare management required a large no of human resources who are dealing the management without practice as medicine. It is hard to practice both in one time.

Healthcare management is referring to the system of patient management. Patient flow in the health center or hospital is very important to reduce the burden of the patient in the hospital. If possible, try to make them feel as their home while queuing to meet healthcare provider.

However, surprisingly, healthcare finance is the least of the vote. That should be indicate that healthcare finance so far, lesser problem to the citizen of patient. Healthcare finance involve area of payment by the patient to the doctor. If they are covered with insurance, thus, they might face no problem but when they are using pay-for-service or out-of-pocket method, they might have problem with this.

Other problems are quite evenly distributed. With some improvement in the public health services, they might be increase the trustworthiness of public to the  health department.

-tHaNk yOu-


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Mohammad Fazrul bin Mohammad Basir, 4th year medical student of Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, City of Student & Tourism, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Being a medical student with an ambition to be director of government hospital later in my career, this blog is a good start. Enjoy yourself here!!

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