Poll-of-the-Week Result

[Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera]

It is not easy to attract people to fill the poll in such way that there are no rewards to them. However, there is still some of them has an effort to express their opinion through poll.

Last week (14-21 November 2010) poll is “Is today's health system of Indonesia met the expectation of citizen?”

The result is:


-tHaNk yOu-


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[Who I Am?]
Mohammad Fazrul bin Mohammad Basir, 4th year medical student of Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, City of Student & Tourism, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Being a medical student with an ambition to be director of government hospital later in my career, this blog is a good start. Enjoy yourself here!!

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In which aspect should the government improve of health system?

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